House Combrink (Stellenbosch)
House Combrink 2013
This home is a contemporary architectural design response within a vineyard estate setting outside Stellenbosch. Serving as a permanent family residence, it provides for a comfortable lifestyle which will endure. Superior materials and finishes will ensure a low life-cycle cost while appropriate energy and thermal efficiency was implemented in the design. Spatial relationships with the garden and views were negotiated to mitigate prevailing winds in the area by means of undercover patios in opposite directions. A T-plan was employed with the intersection serving as ground and first floor circulation area. The bulk of the structure was broken up by means of flat roof linking elements joining the double pitch roofs of the primary structures. The understated aesthetics provide for an elegant presence.
“Dankie vir die harde en deeglike werk. Ons is verstom oor die detail en professionaliteit!”
– Dr Francois Combrink en Louise Combrink
– Dr Francois Combrink en Louise Combrink
Residential Architecture
Full six stage architectural
2 February 2013