Veldhuis (Betty’s Bay)
Veldhuis 2015
This single residential dwelling in Betty’s Bay expressed as an adapted double barn, is a contemporary re-interpretation of Cape vernacular architecture through its longhouse footprint and gable ends. The internal planning and design is a study in open plan functionality, spatial flow, light and continuous connectivity with context. Its form – with specific reference to the cranked roof ridge line – was inspired by the topography of the Klein-Hangklip mountains. Quiet and unpretentious aesthetics combined with low bulk renders Veldhuis with an unimposing atmosphere and identity which reflects something familiar while clearly having evolved its own timeless vocabulary of the present. Being anchored by means of a raft foundation, level with the Fynbos vegetation makes it part of the landscape. Green building principles were employed to make this a low maintenance, energy efficient and water-wise structure. Particular cognisance was taken with the siting and origination axis to ensure harmonious relationships with a mountain stream which forms the most prominent boundary with the neighbouring nature reserve.
“Designing this house was a thirteen year evolution of ideas.”
– Raymond Smith
– Raymond Smith
Residential Architecture
Full six stage architectural
29 May 2015